5 Tips for Getting an Accurate Property Valuation

Property-valuationWhenever you are setting out to get a valuation you must have some concerns as to the outcome. It is always honorable to ensure that you get the best outcome possible but only if it is derived from accurate values. It may look very difficult to manage this difficult fete but it is actually very easy. All you have to do is follow the simple rules of the game that have been in operation since time immemorial. These tips include;

  • Use a qualified assessor– whenever you set out to find an evaluator get one who is very qualified and who has papers to show that they are allowed by the government to carry out assessments.
  • Renovate the property– before you are scheduled to have the assessment, work on your property and renovate it to ensure that it looks appealing to the assessor.
  • Ensure full disclosure– make sure that you disclose to whoever is assessing your property as per the stipulations given. Answer questions honestly when asked.
  • Follow the procedure keenly– make sure that you follow the procedure of valuation very keenly. Don’t leave the assessor to it and just come back to get the feedback. It is important for you to be there every step of the way asking questions and clarifying on what they are unsure about.
  • Ask for diverse opinions– do not rely on the opinion of one expert. Everyone knows that man is to error and therefore it is good to countercheck the first status with other professionals in the field to avoid harboring false hopes.


Put your best foot forward during accurate property evaluations and with all the above tips you will get remarkable assessment results.


Don’t be afraid of assessments. Just prepare yourself fully and everything will work out just fine.

Tony Shaa

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